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Membership Renewal

It's that time of year! GFWC Woman's Club of Leesburg membership dues of $50 are due by no later than the May 12th general membership meeting.

This year there are two ways to pay:

(1) Scan the QR Code below or in the newsletter, or

(2) Pay at the April or May general meetings.

QR Code

To use the QR code:


  1. Using the camera app on your phone, point it at the QR code.

  2. The phone should automatically detect and display the link. 

  3. Open the link to initiate credit card payment of your annual dues.


*Note: There is no charge for using this quick and easy method, however, one place on the forms asks you if you want to support providing this service free to GFWC Leesburg. Simply replace the amount in the box with zeroes. Your total charge to your credit card will then be $50 for renewal only. If you have any problems, please contact Barb Howell 407-595-3866.


Zeffy QR Code Example.jpg
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